

Referrals can be received by many routes including self-referral, from Doctors and Physicians, large organisations, private organisations, and solicitors. Clients may be offered appointments locally, and home appointments may be available.

Geographical areas covered include:

Within the UK: The Wirral, Merseyside, Chester, Cheshire, and North Wales.

Availability in Ireland includes Dublin City and Co Dublin areas – clients from outside of these areas are welcome, however may be required to travel to Dublin for appointments.

If you think that CBT or EMDR can benefit you in some way, or you simply have more questions, please contact me as follows:

Once contact has been made with this service, I endeavor to reply within 48 hours of initial contact. This will be achieved via telephone initially, to identify whether the problem is suitable for CBT or EMDR, so that you can decide if therapy is for you. If the problem is suitable for CBT or EMDR and you decide that therapy is for you, we can arrange an assessment at a mutually convenient location and time (venues will be confirmed nearer that time / home appointments may be available.). The assessment session can last 1-1½ hours and identifies what the problem is, the factors that are maintaining it or keeping it going, and treatment available so that you can make an informed choice in relation to engaging in and managing your problem.

We look forward to hearing from you.